LATIHAN SOAL REPORT TEXT Read the text to answer questions 1 to 3. The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like the many other Australian animals – the kangaroo, the koala and the wombat for instance. The sugar glider is a possum – very similar to the tupai in Indonesia. It basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. However, the Australian sugar glider has a very special skill. It can jump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also `sort of fly’ as well. In fact, it glides or terbang layang in Bahasa Indonesia. When it jumps from one tree to another it spreads its four legs out wide; and its extra skin also spreads out and functions like a parachute. 1. What does the text tell us about?… A. The kangaroo B. The koala C. The wombat D. The sugar glider 2. Why can the sugar glider glide from tree to tree? A. It can spread its four legs and skin out wide B. It is very similar to the squirrels in Indonesia C. It ba...
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021
Report Text (Penjelasan dan Contoh)
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Description/Pengertian A report text is a type of text that announce the result of an investigation or announce something. The information given in a report text is very general information. Report text adalah jenis teks yang mengumumkan hasil penyelidikan atau mengumumkan sesuatu . Informasi yang diberikan dalam teks laporan adalah informasi yang sangat umum. Purpose/Tujuan Social function of report text is to present information about something generally to the reader. Fungsi dari report text adalah untuk menyajikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara umum kepada pembaca. Generic Structure/Struktur Teks General Classification berisi pernyataan umum tentang subject yang dibicarakan atau dibahas. Description merupakan bagian yang memberikan gambaran secara detail mengenai subject yang dibahas pada bagian general classification. Example of Report Text/Contoh Report Text Elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it ha...